Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Celebrate Edgbaston's Volunteers; 24th April 09

An event to celebrate the invaluable contribution made by volunteers to organisations in the Edgbaston Constituency will take place at Harborne Baptist Church on Friday 24th April from 5.30 – 8.30. A collage will be constructed during the evening, comprising of photographs that people bring to demonstrate their work as a volunteer. Volunteers will receive a formal thank you from Councillor Deirdre Alden, Chairman of the Edgbaston Constituency Committee and Jagwant Johal, the Constituency Director. Nominations will be accepted for: working with young people; the elderly; for being a good neighbour; or for their general contribution to their community’s development.

Councillor Deirdre Alden said “There are so many good neighbours and community volunteers in the Edgbaston constituency. The Community Spirit evening will be a great chance to celebrate their achievements and to show our appreciation for all they do for our community week in and week out“

The remainder of the evening will spent enjoying entertainment and a buffet supper. For those wishing to stay a little longer, there will be a barn dance from 8.30 – 9.00 pm. For further information contact: the Constituency Office on 0121 464-6199.

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