Saturday, 21 March 2009

Our Arts Champions - DanceXchange in their own words

DanceXchange (dx) is in its fourth year as one of our two Arts Champions.

“It’s important to us that the work we do in Edgbaston reaches people who might not otherwise have the chance to engage with the arts and also that it’s the kind of activity that Edgbaston residents want. In order to find that out we used the Art on The Edge event to ask everyone’s opinion about what we should be doing, and have designed our current activity based on feedback from the community.

“Currently we have a professional filmmaker, musician and dance artist delivering sessions with a group of mothers and toddlers at Doddington Green Children’s Centre, a group of older adults at Wellington Court Day Centre, and a group of young adults who attend Queen Alexandra College. In April, all the artists and groups will come together for two days in dx’s and Symphony Hall’s studios to create a new work of dance on film with an original soundtrack. We’ll be having a premiere of the film on Saturday 9th May 2009 at 3pm in The Patrick Centre, dx’s theatre in the Birmingham Hippodrome!"
Please send Kate DeRight an email if you’re interested in attending or have any questions or comments about the above,

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