Wednesday, 26 November 2008

A Tale of Two Green Men

This video is a follow up to the "Tale of Two Green Men" (see One Edgbaston magazine and the Evening Mail,or watch the video!) The video was created by "Chad Vale TV" - The Charles Henry Foyle Trust gave Chad Vale School a grant of £2000 to buy 10 video cameras and a Macbook: this shows what they have done with it

"Nov 10th - 16th is National Road Safety Week... at the Council's Edgbaston Constituency meeting on Tuesday evening we were shown a film made by the children of Chad Vale School thanking local Councillors for two separate road safety initiatives put in near their school.

The first initiative was the speed bumps and 20mph zone put in around the school last spring. This was paid for out of the Safer Routes To Schools budget... The second..was the pedestrian phase at the lights on the Green Man junction (border of Harborne and Edgbaston wards). The school's very entertaining film .. brought home to everyone how much learning time they save by being able to cross at the Green Man junction."

Cllr Deirdre Alden

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